Valerie Comer: Where Food Meets Faith . . . and Fiction

valerie-comer-150x150I blog where food meets faith in my fiction and in my daily life as a farmer, gardener, beekeeper, and grandmother. Does God care what we eat? I believe He does.

My most popular post: Solar Cooking: Clean, Bright and Accessible 

My favorite post: Where Food Meets Faith . . . In Our Bodies

Favorite Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:11

blog spotlight photoI blog because:I’m passionate about challenging Christians to care for creation and their own bodies.

When I’m not blogging I’m writing novels, canning tomatoes, or bouncing on the trampoline with my granddaughters.

I have a passion for real food from scratch, local food, and organic food.

I want to be remembered for helping believers see how their little everyday choices affect their relationship with God and His creation.