where-treasure-hides-682x1024-new-coverThe print edition of Where Treasure Hides is now available!

Which means I’m hopping around the blogosphere, sharing my fascination with World War II history, and answering questions about my novel, writing, and life in general.

Appearances since last week include:

Barn Door Book Loft (a two-day stop)

The first day featured the novel, including an excerpt from chapter one. And a photo of me in my 1940s hat.

The second day was an interview that included asking me what syle of music I’d like to be. That was a hard one!

Dare to Bloom

Gail Kittleson and I talk about writing, World War II, and why there’s a Dutch translation of the novel. We’re also doing a giveaway–and it’s not too late to participate.

Making History and Fiction Fall in Love

“The Kindertransport,” about a historic rescue operation that saved approximately 10,000 German-Jewish children, appears on Angela K. Couch’s blog.

Country at Heart Recipes

When Treasure appeared as an e-book in 2013, we celebrated with a tea party. My dear friend, Mandy Zema, baked cherry scones just like the ones Alison and Ian enjoyed at the fictional London Minivers Tea Shoppe. The recipe appears on Deborah Vogts’ blog.