where-treasure-hides-682x1024-new-coverThe print edition of Where Treasure Hides is now available!

Which means I’m hopping around the blogosphere, sharing my fascination with World War II history, and answering questions about my novel, writing, and life in general.

Here are a few places I’ve visited so far:

Where Treasure Hides: Protecting Art from the Nazis

On Ginger Solomon’s blog, I wrote about the recent movie, The Woman in Gold, starring Helen Mirren, and a few of the influences that inspired the storyline for Treasure.

Outside My Kitchen Window

As Tamera Lynn Kraft’s guest, I wrote about writing at the kitchen table–and the distractions outside the window. You might be surprised by what I see!

Author Spotlight Shines on Johnnie Alexander

June Foster graciously shone her author spotlight my way.

Please stay tuned for links to additional stops on our tour.