Stories from the Creekbank

In Stories from the Creekbank, you’ll travel to a delightful place where good people and rich experiences can still be found.
In Stories from the Creekbank, you’ll travel to a delightful place where good people and rich experiences can still be found.
They say places like Dry Creek, Louisiana no longer exist. In Stories from the Creekbank, you’ll travel to a delightful place where good people and rich experiences can still be found.
In this updated edition, author Curt Iles weaves stories of family, the outdoors, and faith. Written in the warm style loved by his readers, Iles writes in a voice that brings laughter and tears, often in the same story.
Stories from the Creekbank is a book you’ll keep on your shelf as a reminder that there are many good things and graceful people surrounding us on every step of our journey.