ShatteredImage Front Cover3Stacy and I met a few years ago at the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Indianapolis when we both attended the My Book Therapy pizza party. We met again a couple years later at the ACFW conference in Dallas. Despite such brief encounters, we’ve shared deep conversations about the writing biz. She has an amazing sense of humor and brings out the giggles in me. Here’s Stacy!

What sparked your idea for the story?

I have long been bothered about how we’re bombarded with such distorted messages about how we should look, what we should wear, what’s beautiful and what’s not. Raising two kids through their teen years, I was especially aware of the peer pressure they experienced. Do we really want Hollywood setting the standard for what’s acceptable? So with those thoughts in mind, I got to wondering what happens to our young people when they pursue a dream of being “famous” (as so many of them do). Why do some seem to handle it better than others? Why has that become the goal for our young people? From there, Shattered Image was born.

What surprised you most as you wrote the story?

I was most surprised by how the story took unexpected turns. A few characters surfaced that I hadn’t planned on, and as their role in the story grew, so did the ripple effect. It was fun to have something new pop up and see the story go in a new direction! And I’m always surprised by how attached I get all of the characters. They truly become family as I write and edit (and edit and edit) the story into its final form.

What is something unexpected one of your characters did?

Knowing how naïve Peter was heading into the celebrity world, I shouldn’t have been surprised when he let himself get auctioned off at a fundraiser but I was! I hadn’t planned that as part of the book, so I hadn’t thought through the consequences (obviously Peter didn’t either!). It was interesting to watch that play out and see how it affected so many relationships.

Monson,-Stacy_05-RetouchedShattered Images

Kiera Simmons’ career as a high-profile fashion model ends abruptly when a failed relationship nearly lands her in jail. Now she forges a quiet life helping teens understand their eternal value in a world saturated with the distorted messages of society.

Peter Theisen is on the fast track to everything the celebrity life promises, with every step of his meteoric rise in the music world orchestrated by his ambitious manager.

Their sweet, unexpected romance is threatened by her past and his future, a life-changing diagnosis, and financial devastation. As they struggle to find their way back to each other, and to the One who matters most, the allure of wealth and fame may jeopardize everything.

About Stacy

Stacy Monson writes stories that show an extraordinary God at work in ordinary life. A member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), she is the current secretary and past president of MN-NICE, as well as the area coordinator for Minnesota. Residing in the Twin Cities, she is the wife of a juggling, unicycling physical education teacher, mom to two amazing kids and two wonderful in-law kids, and a very proud grandma. You can learn more about Stacy and her books at