by Johnnie Alexander | Dec 10, 2018 | BlogMas, Family & Friends, Treasured Moments
Classic Comfort Food ~ Memphis Biker Chili I realize not everyone is going to agree on this one. And even if chili is your classic comfort food, you probably have your own favorite recipe. Perhaps it’s even been passed down through the family. Our favorite,...
by Johnnie Alexander | Dec 9, 2018 | Be Still Moments, BlogMas, Books, Treasured Moments
Classic Devotional ~ My Utmost for His Highest I’m reading Oswald Chambers’ beloved classic this year for the fourth or fifth time. The devotional was published after his death from notes compiled by his wife. His wisdom inspires me–even when I...
by Johnnie Alexander | Dec 8, 2018 | Authors, BlogMas, Books, Family & Friends, Treasured Moments
Classic Fantasy ~ Lord of the Rings Whether it’s the famous trilogy or the groundbreaking movies, Lord of the Rings is definitely and without question the classic fantasy story. The third movie, Return of the Kings, premiered in theaters way...
by Johnnie Alexander | Dec 7, 2018 | Authors, BlogMas, Books
Classic Author ~ Jane Austen Les Miserables may be my favorite classic novel but Jane Austen is hands down my favorite classic author. I don’t know how many times I’ve read Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion nor how many times...