Classic Road Trip ~ Blue Ridge Parkway

Most years, I put a lot of miles on my car–especially for someone who works at home. The trips are usually to visit family.

Grandgirls in northeastern Missouri. Grandboys in Florida. My sister near Memphis.

My mom and I went on a few road trips when she was still alive. It’s in honor of her that I choose the Blue Ridge Parkway as my classic road trip.

We drove long stretches of the Blue Ridge two or three times.It was one of her favorite road trips because she and my dad had often driven on it.

Family memories. Winding roads. A full tank of gas and a GPS.

Let’s go!

Twenty-Five Days of #BlogMas

My chosen theme for this series of blog posts is Classic of the Day. I hope you’ll join me in these days leading up to one of our most cherished–and classic–holidays.